Membership of the P&C is only $1 per annum, per member. Becoming a member of the P&C entitles you to have your say and to vote on the issues that are important to you. Click on the link below to download a membership form, then simply print, complete and return your form to the school's front office, together with your membership fee. Alternatively you can obtain a membership form from the front office.
P&C Membership Form (PDF 150 KB)
Remember, being informed is good, being involved is better! The P&C meets at least twice during terms 1, 2 and 3, and once during term 4. Meeting dates are advertised in the P&C section of the school newsletter, Jumbunna. You can also obtain a copy of the latest P&C minutes from the front office.
The P&C are continually looking for fresh ideas and invigoration through new members, so please do consider coming along to a meeting and being a part of helping to make our school a great place.