Warren Central School

Delivering Opportunity and Quality Education

Telephone02 6847 4438



Every Tuesday we hold fun and informative Scripture (Christian Special Religious Education-SRE) lessons for K-6 children.

Music, drama, storytelling, multimedia presentations, puppet shows, guest speakers, handouts and art and craft are used to engage the children.

Our trained SRE teachers are authorised by all the churches of Warren to teach all the children.

Our lesson times and teachers are:

12:15 - 12:45pm

Years 3/4/5/6 with Mr Simon Cant and Mrs Karlene.

12:45 - 1:15pm

Kindergarten with Mrs Ruth Ryan and Mrs Rachel Cant

Years 1/2/3/4 with Mr Simon Cant and Mrs Karlene.

Our school contacts for SRE are Mrs Emily McPhee and Mrs Karlene Irving (SRE teacher). Please ring the school if you have any questions on 68474438.

The links below will take you to an overview of the lessons covered during 2019. Kindergarten use both Connect and GodSpace. The other classes are currently using GodSpace.

https: cepconnect.com.au/images/uploads/Connect-scope-and-sequence-all.pdf
