Year 8 and 9 Students
Students who are in Year 8 or 9 and are moving into Years 9 and 10.
Important Information:
- Select subjects in your preference order i.e. your first choice should be your most wanted subject.
- You need to make 5 selections. Choices 4 and 5 are reserves in case you do not get your first 3 choices or there is a clash.
Use this link to select your subjects.
Year 10 Students
Students in Year 10 who are moving into Year 11.
Important Information:
- Select subjects in your preference order i.e. your first choice should be your most wanted subject.
- Your first choice must be an English subject as English is compulsory for Year 11 and 12.
- You need to make 8 selections. Choices 7 and 8 are reserves in case you do not get your first 6 choices or there is a clash.
Use this link to select your subjects.